Human beings love labels. People never think twice before
labeling other people—good, bad, beautiful, ugly, fair, dark, strong or weak.
Anywhere you go, there will always be someone ready to tell you – “Actually,
you’re weak.” But honestly, just because one’s body hasn’t been trained to lift
100 kg weights like Karnam Malleshwari or face punches in a boxing ring like MC
Mary Kom , can the person be immediately branded ‘weak’?
Let me illustrate: an ordinary ‘desi’ truck that you see on
Indian roads is a sturdy, dependable vehicle in every sense of the word. You
can drive it over potholes, rugged tracks, muddy roads or mountain paths and it
will not be affected in the least. Everyone will agree that it is strong.
A Mercedes sedan, on the other hand, is not designed to be
‘rough and tough’. Take it flying over potholed roads and you’ll live to regret
it. A truck driver can just ram his vehicle into a number of smaller cars and
get away unhurt, reducing the other cars to pulp. A Merc driver, on the other
hand, is always extra careful to protect the car from even the slightest dent
or scratch. So, if it were a comparison
of sheer physical strength, yes, you could say that the Mercedes sedan is a
pretty ‘weak’ vehicle. But the fact is that the Merc is and always will be
infinitely superior and more valuable than a desi truck. Just comparing the two
sounds ridiculous.

(Yes, yes, I know you will point out that Mercedes trucks
are also available — but just think about it: would a corporate hotshot want to
travel in a Mercedes truck?
I think you got it now.)